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Writer's pictureRosangela Atte


Not all breakthroughs and promotions come as a result of great acts of faith.

Sometimes elevation is a direct result of a series of seemingly mundane, small, humble, acts of obedience.

Although it might take years for things to come to maturity, this type of promotion comes suddenly, unexpectedly and it completely turns your life upside down.

In the physical there are no signs, nothing that might give you the impression that something is about to happen.

Everything is happening behind the scenes, in the spirit realm. All your acts of obedience have produced fruits and when they are perfectly ripe, they will manifest.

Every piece of the puzzle, is being strategically moved in the perfect position by God, but you are the one making it happen by obeying God's instructions.

You have a part to play in your Kairos moments!

Your obedience opens windows of opportunity that would remain shut otherwise.

Chronos and Kairos intersect bringing about the manifestation of God's will.

How can we colabor with God to manifest His will in our life?

By staying humble and obedient, by not taking things in our own hands and by not growing weary in doing good.

Don't despise small beginnings!

There are many examples in the Bible of man and women being suddenly promoted by simply, and humbly fulfilling their duties:

Esther, Mordecai, Daniel, Shadrack, Mishack, Abednego, Joseph, David, Ruth, to name a few.

Another example that really spoke to me as I read 1 Samuel 9, was the story of Saul, before he became king of Israel, and before he turned away from The Lord.

Saul was instructed by his father Kish, a very wealthy and influential man, to rise up and go look for his lost donkeys.

Saul, was a very handsome, tall and honorable young man. There was none finer in all Israel.

Without hesitation, he obeyed his father and set out with his servant to look for the donkeys.

After looking futilely for three days, they came to the land of Zuph, but he decided to turn back so his father would not begin to worry about what happened to them.

His servant suggested that before they went back, they inquire after the prophet Samuel who lived in the land of Zuph.

Saul was concerned about not having anything to offer to the prophet, but his servant had a quarter of a shekel of silver that he was willing to offer to him.

After inquiring about the prophet's whereabouts, they went up to the city and met the man of God as he was going up to the high place.

The Lord Had told Samuel the day before, that He was sending him the one whom He Had chosen to be ruler over His people. When Samuel saw Saul, The Lord told him that he was the one.

Samuel told Saul to go ahead of him to the high place and that the donkeys had been found.

The prophet addressed Saul with such honor that made Saul ask:"why are you speaking to me as if I was someone important? I'm just a young man from the smallest families, amongst the smallest tribes of Israel!"

Samuel knew who Saul was called to be and he was addressing him prophetically.

Samuel gave Saul and his servant a seat at the head of the table and gave Saul the portion of meat that was designated to the priest!



Looking for lost donkeys seems a very mundane task, but this was what The Lord used to bring Saul to the right place at the right time.

Saul had a part to play, he had to obey his father's orders.

He could have told his father to send a servant in his place, afterall he was the son of an influential man in Israel.

He didn't have to go, he could have stayed behind while his servants looked for the donkeys.

Instead, he willingly obeyed his father's orders.

We can deduce these things about Saul's character:

1. He was an obedient son

2. He was humble

3. He was a man of honor

4. He was a caring man

These are all prerequisites for promotion, but unfortunately once pride enters the heart of man, then comes the fall.


What The Lord spoke to me through this passage is that nothing is more powerful in bringing about His plans in our life, than our obedience to Him.

No matter how small or mundane the task, being obedient brings blessings.

(Deuteronomy 28)

Obedience demonstrates humility, trust, honor, selflessness, it shows God that we love Him.

If we are faithful with the little, He will entrust us with a lot.

Don't be moved by the circumstances, God Is working behind the scenes.

Be obedient and trust in His timing and you will see His glory manifested in your life!

Keep doing what you have been entrusted with,

whether it's providing for your family, homeschooling your children, teaching Sunday school, owning a business, writing a book, caring for the elderly, pastoring a church, or anything else you are called to.

Do it onto Him, do it with excellence!

Go look for your Father's donkeys, on the way you there, will be given a seat of honor and the choicest of meats!

You will leave as an obedient son and come back as an anointed King!

Luke 16:10 NLT

10 “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities

Luke 13:12 NLT

12 But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

1 Peter 5:5-6 NLT

5 In the same way, you who are younger must accept the authority of the elders. And all of you, dress yourselves in humility as you relate to one another, for

“God opposes the proud

but gives grace to the humble."

6 So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.

Isaiah 60:22 AMP

“The smallest one will become a thousand (a clan),

And the least one a mighty nation.

I, the Lord, will quicken it in its [appointed] time.”

Deuteronomy 5:33 NLT

Stay on the path that the Lord your God has commanded you to follow. Then you will live long and prosperous lives in the land you are about to enter and occupy.

Proverbs 16:0 NLT

Those who listen to instruction will prosper;

Those who trust the Lord will be joyful.

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