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Writer's picture: Rosangela AtteRosangela Atte

For he last two weeks, during my worship time, I have been seeing mantles falling to the Earth. I asked The Lord whose mantles they were, as they were of two different colors, one was purple and gold and the other one was many colors. The Lord said:

The purple and gold is the Esther mantle and the multicolored one is the Joseph mantle. They are falling upon the Earth on my sons and daughters.

That was the extent of what The Spirit of The Lord told me every time I asked.

So I kept praying for more revelation, and on January 20th, I received it.

As I worshipped in my living room, I saw the mantles fall to Earth and as they fell, they caught on fire! I looked again and I saw men and women all over the Earth dancing at a Luau. As they danced the traditional Hawaiian dance, they all lifted their arms and the mantles fell right on their shoulders as they extinguished.

After I saw this, I asked: "God, what do a Luau and the mantles have in common?" And he said:

They are bringing my church together for a time of celebration.

I know that meant that I had to go and look at the origin of the Luau to find the connection.

I love how He gives me these enigmas because He knows I LOVE to be challenged this way. Only He knows us so deeply, He speaks to our very soul, He speaks our language. I feel like Indiana Jones looking for the Lost Ark! It's our thing and I absolutely love it!

History of the Luau, according to

The Luau is a traditional Hawaiian celebration held today for everything from graduations to birthdays and everything in between. However, the history of the Luau is very different from the casually joyous celebration that people in Hawaii have today. To understand the history of the Luau, we must go back roughly 200 years, to a Hawaii that could not be more different from the one we have today.

200 years ago, men and women couldn’t eat together. It was considered “kapu” or forbidden. In fact, there was an elaborate set of rules under the kapu system, which regulated the lives of royals and commoners alike. The kapu system even decided which foods were to be reserved exclusively for royalty, such as bananas. Many of the laws under the kapu system were harsh, to say the least. For example, a commoner whose shadow fell upon an Ali’i, or chief, would be sentenced to death.

King Kamehameha II, son of Kamehameha the Great, who united all the islands under one rule, began to loosen some of the structures enforced by the rulers before him. One of the most significant acts of Kamehameha II’s rule was to eat in the company of women, thereby shattering the ancient kapu structure of laws.

Once men and women began eating together, gatherings for special events began to take on a new shape.

As My sons and daughters, My Ekklesia emerges from the fiery furnace, from a time of trial and adversity, betrayal, division and separation, caused by religion and self-serving agendas, I will send down My Spirit and mantle my bride with the Esther and Joseph anointings. But these anointings will be fused into one, for there will be a fresh wind of My Spirit, as never seen before. My sons and daughters will be awaken to their destinies and will be moved into action. There be will a be reuniting, a coming together, a coming to order, a laying down of one's life for a brother or sister. It will be a time of consecration, fulfilment, and re-establishment. A time in which I will pour down My wisdom over ALL flesh! There is no age or gender in the spirit! You are all part of one body, each part essential for the thriving of the other. You will move in unity and harmony. I will take all the accusations, the jealousy, the injustice and the betrayals that you have suffered and turn them in your favor! I will exault you in the presence of your enemies and the world will see that only I could perform such wonders! A time of celebration, marked by forgiveness, justice, restoration, and manifestation of the sons and daughters of God!! It will be inevitable, it will unmistakeable, you will not be able to hide who you are anymore, who I have made you to be! The prophetic will marry with the entrepreneurial, to bring forth heavenly, accurate and strategic blue prints, systems, technologies and creative inventions. Selflessness and wisdom, will cause you to find favor wherever you go. You will be raised up into a place of influence and affluence, which you will use to further and establish My Kingdom on the Earth. You will be respected, and honored and even your enemies will seek your wisdom and knowledge.
My glory will invade the Earth! It will spread like a wild fire, which cannot be stopped and it will infiltrate every mountain of influence and you will be the spark!

The Lord is uniting the body, preparing His bride! Men and women, young and old, will work together, manifesting the fullness of His Spirit. He Is uprooting false doctrines and religion. He Is bringing justice and order. He is cleansing and purifying. He Is separating the wheat from the chaff.Through refining and consecration we have reached the time in which His Special Reserve Anointing is being poured out over the Ekklesia. This anointing will infiltrate and saturate every Mountain of influence! Let's repent for our sins, for speaking against one another, let's continue to press in and consecrate our lives to Him, for we don't want to miss this next move of The Spirit of God! It is no coincidence that The Lord gave me the full revelation of the vision on the presidential inauguration of 2021. This presidential election has brought so much division and strife even in the church. There have been accusations, gossip, hate speech and confusion in the prophetic community. This has grieved the heart of God so much. People speaking curses over both presidents and others in authority when The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders. Both Esther and Joseph served a non Jewish King and they honored and served them with submission and humility and they found favor in their eyes because of it. All He desires is for us to be united and blessed and we can only do that if we humble ourselves. I pray you receive this in love 🙏❤

Psalm 133

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!

2 It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. 3 It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing— Life forevermore.

Acts 2:17-18

17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,

That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;

Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,

Your young men shall see visions,

Your old men shall dream dreams.

18 And on My menservants and on My maidservants

I will pour out My Spirit in those days;

And they shall prophesy.

1Peter 5:6

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.

Psalm 23:5-6

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;

You anoint my head with oil;

My cup runs over.

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

All the days of my life;

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord


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