Yesterday morning I woke up after having a really intense dream. In this dream I was facing a really evil, evil person, whom I know in the natural. In the natural, I knew this person hated me, with such hatred and had spoken curses agaisnt me and my business. Everytime I saw him, I could hear the word curses coming out of his mouth. In the dream, I was facing him and I was holding a megaphone. I started yelling in this megaphone, right in his face and I said:"The Lord says: All the curses and the plans you have devised against me, are going to be the very things that destroy you!"
When I woke up, I was a little unsettled, because when I speak like that, with such authority, and power, I am usually facing the devil or his demons, but this time I was facing a person. The Lord spoke to me and said:
" You were not facing the person, but the spirit operating in that person. You were using the authority I have given to you. Just as it happened to Haman, so it will be for all your enemies! Because those who hate you, hate you because of Me! And everything they have spoken and whished against you, is going to be the very thing that will fall upon them! The favor and blessings I have lavished upon you are too much for them to handle. They will reap what they sowed!"
It's harvest time, we are all about to reap what we sowed. The world calls it Karma, we call it the justice of God. So if we sowed love, obedience and have been generous with the resources The Lord Has blessed us with, we will reap blessings, if we sowed hatred, discord, disobedience and were selfish with our resources then don't expect anything good to come out of your harvest.
Everything is coming into alignment, perfect order, the scales are being balanced and justice will be served!
Esther 7:10 10 So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the king’s wrath subsided.