MARCH 13, 2019
I was in a deep time of worship, pouring myself out at His feet, asking Him to use me!
The feeling of unworthiness kept rising in me, and I said: " Father, You Are not looking for perfect vessels, You Are looking for willing vessels, and I am so willing Lord, use me!"
I heard Him say:" No more Cinderella! It is time for you and all of my daughters to take your rightful place! Your garments will never turn into rags again! This is not about rebellion or feminism, it is about my daughters fighting back the oppression, abuse, and contempt they have been under since the fall of man! I have created you to be equal in The Spirit. You will be pioneers in this season, and go where no man has ever been, not further, but you will be able to reach people that no man has ever been able to reach! My daughters have the power of life and death in their womb. They can choose if to give life or death and that is why I want to transform all of them to be life-givers! They carry the next generation, the ones that will usher my return, they are my soldiers and they will be born! I will use my daughters to reach the misguided, deceived, broken women and bring them to Me, their loving Father."
"No more ashes for you Cinderella! Only beauty! Your name is Deborah, not Cinderella!
There is no wedding without the bride, no ball without the princess!"
"My daughters have suffered enough abuse by the very people who were supposed to love and protect them."
"I say NO MORE! I will not take it anymore! They will be on the frontlines of ministries, churches, business, government, education, and every other Mountain of Influence!"
"I made them in my image! They are able to bring forth life, they nurture it and love it from the beginning just as I have loved you since the beginning."
"They have the power to decide to give life or death, they have so much power! My daughters will be redeemed by my love."
"Arise from the ashes Cinderella and go forth, I am ahead of you."
"Your new name, Deborah, means honeybee. You will be able to access the heart of other women with the sweetness of your spirit. Just like Deborah, you will be able to prophesy into people's lives and go into battle with them! They will not feel the shame and guilt anymore, because My perfect Love will set them free!"
"Just like bees, you have big eyes to see in the spirit and antennas to feel and discern."
Deborah's husband's name was Lapidoth, which means "burning torch"; just as her husband supported and respected Deborah, so will your husbands and men around you."
"You will work as one body, beside each other, not one in front of the other. Together you represent Me."
Then The Lord spoke to me about the different characteristics of His personality that men and women carry. Women carry the feminine traits of God and men carry the masculine ones.
A woman carries and sustains life, nurtures, comforts, carries a sweetness, gentleness, a fragrance. God Is The Giver of Life, He longs for us (Matthew 23:37) He cares for us and comforts us (Isaiah 49:15, Isaiah 66:13) He Is sweet (Psalm 19:10) He Is called the Lily of The Valley and The Rose of Sharon (Song of Solomon 2:1).
Men are the providers, defenders, protectors, and would lay their life down for their family.
God Is Jehovah Jireh The Provider (Genesis 22:14), The Defender (Psalm 18),
Women of God get ready to be mightily used by Your Heavenly Father!