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Writer's pictureRosangela Atte

I'm Setting The Stage For The Final Act

As I was worshipping The Lord, He started speaking through me and said:

Don't think that what is happening in your life, and in the lives of those around you is random; I AM SETTING THE STAGE FOR THE FINAL ACT!
The wave of My Glory that is coming your way, will blow your mind, and the minds of those around you! You can think of a million ways I can bless you, but you will never guess how the next scene will unfold! It will be like a Joseph's type finale. From the pit to the palace in a split second! He had no idea if, how, and when his dreams would come true! He thought he was going to be in jail until his sentence was over! He thought he was going to have to pay for a crime he did not commit! He thought his father had died, he thought he was never going to hear his brothers ask for forgiveness, he thought he was alone in the world. BUT I!!! I flipped the script in the blink of an eye! Everything was a setup. Every event converged into one, mind blowing, nail biting, unexpected finale! I created the perfect storm. I set the stage for the final act! This is what it means to have the wealth of the wicked stored up for the hands of the righteous! There is a wealth transfer happening, and no one will be able to take the credit and say:" It was thanks to me that you are blessed!" No, not anyone! It was Me, it was all Me!!! Only I could do such things! But you trusted and obeyed, even in the face of trials, even when you were persecuted, you kept trusting in Me, and your obedience unlocked such blessings! The wave, ooohh the wave of blessings that is coming your way!!! You will not believe what I'm going to do for you! Everything that the locust has eaten, everything: joy, peace, time, wealth, health, loved ones, favor, everything will be returned multiplied!! Those who hated you, those who wished you ill, will come to you for help, and will have to humble themselves in your presence! Joseph was made whole from the inside out, his healing was complete, and so it will be for you my child! Joseph never thought he would see his father again, he never thought he would reconcile with his brothers, he never thought he would have wealth beyond measure! But I bring life where there is death, I bring hope where there is dispare, I breathe life into dry bones and resurrect that which is not! Because my breath is life! And you have the same power! So be mindful what you speak! Speak life, speak life, do not speak negative words into the atmosphere, because there is a prowling lion who seeks to steal, kill and destroy you, don't give him a foothold! Don't lend your ear to his lies! You are not a failure! You are not lost! You are not hopeless! You are not too late, too old, too far gone! I am He whom brings living waters to your soul and body! Choose to listen to Me and what I speak about you and your future, because what I have prepared for you, is so great, so unpredictable, so unbelievable, so mind blowing, and awesome that it will leave you and those around you speechless! Get ready for the stage and the bright lights! You are the protagonist in this play, and the final act will be a grand finaly!!


Setting the stage:

Used to mean that conditions have been made right for something to happen, or that something is likely to happen.

Final Act

The last part of a play, film, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained.

Grand finale

An impressive end to something

Proverbs 13:22 NLT

Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren,

but the sinner’s wealth passes to the godly.

Romans 8:19 NKJ

For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.

Genesis 41:39-41

You shall be over my house, and all my people shall be ruled according to your word; only in regard to the throne will I be greater than you.” 41 And Pharaoh said to Joseph, “See, I have set you over all the land of Egypt.”

Then Pharaoh took his signet ring off his hand and put it on Joseph’s hand; and he clothed him in garments of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck.

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I was asking The Lord for a word and He showed me an upside down cake. I asked:" Lord what does this mean?" He said:" It's your life....


I love how you explained this, it was very well said. There have been times in my life, especially the last 6 years where I've wondered when it was going to be my turn. I believe that it wasn't going to be until God knew that I wanted Him to receive all the glory and I no longer had any self serving motivation.

Sep 29, 2022

For I know it’s not much but I have nothing else fit for a king except fir a heart singing hallelujah, Hallelujah!!

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Amen Amen Amen 🙏

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