There is a special young woman in my life who absolutely loves sunflowers. She actually reminds me of one, because of her beautiful, bright presence and personality. The Lord keeps telling me to paint a sunflower for her and He keeps showing me a black background, not a sunny blue sky, which is what I would normally paint as a background for a sunflower. This led me to wonder: "Where do sunflowers turn, when there is no sun?"
And this is what I found out:
By JoAnna Klein
At night, in its absence (the sun), the sunflowers, face east again, anticipating the sun's return.
Wow! This spoke to me so deeply!
Even the flowers know that although the sun is not visible, even if it seems to have disappeared because they do not see the evedince of it, it is still there and it will shine its light on them come morning!
What a powerful picture of our faith and trust in The Son of God!
Even though we might be going through a night season, we still follow The Son, knowing that He will show up and shine His radiant, warm light on us when the time comes. He Is never absent or far from us, He Is right there, even if we can't feel Him.
I also noticed how the sunflower resembles the sun, its source of life, the same way we should resemble The Son, our source of life!
This young woman has not had an easy life, but she still shines with positivity and optimism and brings joy wherever she goes. I believe that her love of sunflowers is a prophetic representation of who she is in the spirit.
We should all be like sunflowers, following The Son and expecting His return with excitement and anticipation.
As we wait we should be shining, reflecting His light wherever we go, so that others may turn to Him as well.
This is such a powerful quote by Charles H. Spurgeon.
"The Bible is not the light of the world, it is the light of the Church. But the world does not read the Bible, the world reads Christians! “You are the light of the world.”"
— Charles H. Spurgeon
The Lord is saying:
Do not take your eyes off of Me! Do not look at the darkness that surrounds you. It is just momentary, it is passing, fleeting! I Am eternal! What I can give you is eternal! I am The Rock of Ages on which you stand, I am your Lighthouse! I will sustain and direct you if you keep your eyes on Me! Follow Me, even when you cannot see Me or feel Me, I Am there. I hear your every prayer, I see your every tear, none of hem fall to the ground! I am your Father who loves you of an ever lasting love, do not doubt it even for a second my beloved child. I am The One Who will protect you from the fowler's snare and the deadly pestilence! Rest in Me, abide in Me and you will protected and blessed.